Virtual Artist Talk: Geometric Aljamia
Date: Tuesday, September 5, 2023Time: 8:00pm-9:00pm EST
Category: Lectures
Speaker: Jorge Benitez, Reni Gower, Susan Schuld, and Julia Townsend
Non-Member Price: FREE
Registration Deadline:
Program Description:
Geometric Aljamia: A Cultural Transliteration is a cross-cultural collaboration that addresses how connections between the Middle East and the West during the Golden Age of Islamic Civilization continue to be relevant and vibrant in the 21st Century. The exhibition includes artists, designers, performers, and writers from Afghanistan, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Canada, and the United States. Join curator Reni Gower along with Jorge Benitez, Susan Schuld, and Julia Townsend as they discuss their inspirations and contributions to the Geometric Aljamia: A Cultural Transliteration.
Registration through Eventbrite. Please email anna.doll@rbi.gatech.edu for questions or more information.