Paper Cuts from Around the World
Date: Wednesday, November 16, 2022Time: 4:30-6:00pm
Category: Tech’s Tactile Thursdays
Instructor: Museum Staff
Member Price: FREE
Registration Deadline:
Program Description:
Georgia Tech Students, Faculty and Staff are invited to the Robert C. Williams Museum of Paper Making for a free Paper Cuts workshop in celebration of International Education week. Participants will be introduced to the history of Paper Cuts and how cultures all over the world have used paper cuts for religious, celebratory and other purposes. Through an instructor demonstration, participants will learn how to make their own paper cut, using paper, cutting tools, and cutting mats. Participants will have the option to design their own paper cut or make one from provided template designs. All materials will be provided.
To register email Anna Doll at anna.doll@rbi.gatech.edu or call 404-894-7840.